Furniture for shops

Furniture adapted to your business to improve your customers’ experience

The decoration and furniture of your business must become another element of the purchasing experience your customer seeks. A hook to attract customers and create loyalty among existing ones. The furniture chosen will help you to distinguish yourself from the competition, to transmit your brand’s essence and respond to the needs of your business.

The demands of each commercial establishment are different, thus the existence of retail furniture. In a jeweller’s, ensuring security is a factor to be taken into account while in a hairdresser’s the reception is the premises’ calling card. There are shops where a large amount of product is on display, such as ironmongers’ or household item shops, where managing to show the product in the most organised way possible is important so it is visible by customers.

The type of business, the features of the premises, the profile of the users, the budget… Many factors will determine the retail furniture designed for your shop. That’s why we work as a team with whoever has designed the commercial space. What is important is to manage to reflect what was designed in the final result. And that’s where we can help you. At equilan we are specialists in the project-based manufacture of furniture.

Shall we talk about your project?


See project

See project

Mostrador central blanco

Joyería Fiona
See project

Where is equilan’s furniture manufactured?

equilan’s furniture is manufactured at our facilities in Hernani (Gipuzkoa). We have three integrated workshops: the carpentry workshop, the aluminium metalwork workshop and the welding and iron workshop. In addition, we have an oven-baked epoxy paint shop and laser cutting facilities.

Our work is at the service of the designer, the architect or interior designer of the commercial space, alongside their client, the shop owner or the brand. We put at their service the know-how, the experience and quality of equilan in the manufacture of retail furniture.

Equilan’s tip

The personalisation of spaces is key to transmit your brand’s values. The furniture of your commercial premises is another element to contribute towards that branding.

The best option to differentiate yourself from the competition is to choose project-based furniture as it will allow you to make better use of the space and respond to your needs.

Do you have a project?

Share it with us and we will give you a non-binding estimate of the manufacturing cost